Friday, September 5, 2008

Target locked ...

Learning to fly embodies a larger component of life for me than simply being able to get places more quickly and with a nicer view. I've actually tried the Be A Pilot intro flight once before. Sadly, it just didn't go very well. There was some combination of fear, motion sickness and an instructor who simply wasn't that experienced ... which all resulted in a pretty scary experience. I recall taking the controls and thinking "I'm gonna kill us all!"

That was several years ago. There are apparently some tricks in terms of keeping your head level with the cockpit dash, ginger root and stronger abdominal muscles (which I now have), that can all help mitigate what is apparently a common experience. Regardless, part of this process for me involves confronting fear. I don't fear death and have actually confronted it several times in my life already. This issue has more to do it seems with control over one's environment, or lack of it, yet still being able to function and (for lack of a better term) control the situation. For me it feels like a very Zen practice which I feel finally up to the challenge for.

So I've found the local master, Dick Yates, and we'll be going up this coming Thursday, September 11, at around 6pm.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well obviously you're going to be anxious flying on 9/11